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Announcement for nominations to Heritage Hero of Nepalese community


Dear Community Members,

NECASE Board received an advertisement from Edmonton Heritage Festival
Association for a Heritage Hero Award and decided to announce
nomination from NECASE members. There will be nominations from about
80 other communities taking part in the Heritage Festival. In the
past, NECASE nominated Ai B. Gurung for similar award. Ai B. Gurung
was successful to bag runner up position in the competition. Here is
another opportunity for us to nominate a Heritage Hero from our
community. Please help NECASE Board to come up with a nominee from
among us. The criteria for nominations to Heritage Hero include: (1) a
person who has demonstrated a long-term commitment to cultural
diversity, (2) a person who is willing, responsible and accountable to
their work, (3) a person who can demonstrate commitment to the mission
of Heritage Festival Association. If you know such person please send
nomination to me by July 1, 2014. The Board will evaluate and decide

on nominee if multiple nominations are received. I have included an
e-mail from organizers for further details. In addition, Heritage Hero
ad is attached.

Thank you.

Kusumakar Sharma



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